About Today: How to Eat a Pumpkin

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From Jen Hubley, your About Today Editor
I tend to think of pumpkins either as purely decorative items, or as a delicious ingredient that mysteriously appears in muffins. The idea that you can actually eat parts of that centerpiece is always shocking to me. (Note: parts you can eat include pumpkins. Parts you can't eat include... probably everything else.)

How to Prepare Fresh Pumpkins for Baking
You can't just take that pumpkin off the table, stuff it in a soup pot and hope for the best, though. Maybe you're rolling your eyes at me when I say that, but that's only because you've never seen me try to make pumpkin soup.

Recipe: Oven-Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
I used to eat pumpkin seeds by the fistful. Unfortunately, this was during pumpkin carving, and before any baking or salting. In my defense, I was five.

25 Favorite Pumpkin Recipes
This is my favorite recipe, among the favorite recipes: pumpkin maple flan.

18 Pumpkin Recipes for Kids
A reader once wrote in to say that, in his opinion, pumpkin pancakes should be used as an international diplomatic relations tool. I totally agree.


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