About Today: Should Pets Wear Halloween Costumes?

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From Jen Hubley, your About Today Editor
I'll admit it: I'm one of those people who flat-out loses her mind when she sees an animal dressed in people clothes. It's one of the reasons I love Halloween so much: At any moment, you're liable to see a dachshund dressed up like a hot dog and that just slays me every time.

Should Pets Wear Halloween Costumes?
So Halloween costumes on animals are amusing for me. But are they good for the animal?

Brave Cats Dressed in Their Halloween Finery
I'm amazed that any one managed to get costumes on cats in the first place. Generally, their dignity precludes funny hats. But before you judge, please look at this gentleman. He is wearing a raincoat. Yes, a raincoat.

Dog Halloween Costumes
No dachshunds, but we do have some pugs dressed as hot dogs. That's pretty good, although I think I might prefer the French Bulldog jailbird. He's so ashamed!

Top 10 Creepy Pets
Of course, if you tastes run more to tarantulas, you don't need a costume for your pet at all. Problem solved!


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