HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

5 Questionable iPhone Applications


Apple has sold more than 1 billion applications through its App Store. Many of them are useful, but some of them are strange -- or even offensive.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Fact or Fiction: Surviving an Animal Attack


What happens if you accidentally encounter an animal that feels threatened or frightened by you? What if it attacks? Take this quiz to see whether you've got what it takes to survive or if Mother Nature will reign supreme.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Weird and Freaky Animals Videos


Imagine eating 10 times your own weight in one bite. In this video from Animal Planet's "Weird, True and Freaky," an anaconda's massive meal gets interrupted and then abandoned.

Project Orion: Nuking Our Way to Mars


Yes, at one point NASA considered propelling space ships into orbit via multiple atomic detonations. Blogger Robert Lamb takes a look at Project Orion, which -- in some designs -- called for upward of 800 warheads to get a single spaceship into orbit.

5 Reasons Not to Buy a Hybrid


If you're looking for a new car or truck, there's a good chance you're considering a hybrid. Well, before you sign any paperwork at the dealership, take a look at these 5 reasons to not buy a hybrid.

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