HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

Ultimate Best- and Worst-paying Jobs Quiz


It's pretty clear that a doctor makes more money than a fast food worker. But does a surgeon bring home more bucks than an anesthesiologist? Test your knowledge with the Ultimate Best- and Worst-paying Jobs quiz.

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The Five Heaviest Buildings Ever Moved


According to Greek mythology, Atlas fought in a war against Zeus, and as punishment, was doomed to hold the heavens aloft for eternity. But even Atlas might stagger under the weight of the heavy buildings topping this list.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

10 Ways The World Will End Videos


The Science Channel's "10 Ways the World Will End," illustrates the scenario of widespread devastation from a killer plague. Some scientists believe the biggest threat from a plague could come from bio-warfare or outer space.

Top 5 Gadgets on the High-tech Soldier


Soldiers rely on all kinds of high-tech gadgets to help them get their jobs done. Some of them are specially designed for military use, while others are gizmos you might have in your pocket right now.

Why do we need warriors?


Since ancient times, societies and nations have depended upon those willing to go to war. In the 21th century, we still do. How have warriors evolved and why do we look up to them?

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