The Minimum You Need To Spend On Your Blog - DailyBlogTips

The Minimum You Need To Spend On Your Blog - DailyBlogTips

The Minimum You Need To Spend On Your Blog

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 08:45 AM PDT

A couple of days ago I published a post titled What If I Had $1,500 To Start My Blog?. I was basically answering a question from one of our readers.

Judging by the comments it looks like this is a hot topic, so I figured I would write a follow-up to clear some doubts and misconceptions that emerged from that post.

First of all the reader who asked that question specified that her main goal was to make money with her blog, so my recommendations were based on that. If you want to blog as a hobby, to use it to connect with other people, to keep your friends updated and so on then my recommendations do not apply to you.

Second, I DON`T think it`s necessary to spend all that money to build a profitable blog. I made the recommendations because the question was about how to spend the $1,500 given that you had such a budget available.

This leads us to the next question: what is the bare minimum you need to spend to start building a profitable blog, and how should you spend it?

In my opinion the first thing you need to buy is a domain name and a hosting plan (as opposed to using a free hosted solution like Blogger or WordPress). If you don`t have a big budget going with an available domain is fine. Just make sure to spend a lot of time researching around before you settle on your domain. Aim to get something with two or three words and a .com extension. The domain will cost you $10, and the hosting plan $5 per month or so.

And this is the bare minimum I think you need to spend to start building a profitable blog. You can install WordPress and load a free theme, and then it`ll be just a matter of pumping out quality content regularly and working your butt off to promote your content and your blog.

Once you start making some money with it you can re-invest part or all of it in the blog, getting a good looking logo, purchasing a premium theme or a custom design and so on.

This is exactly the beauty of the web. All it takes to start a website, which could evolve into a real business, is $10. If you have a bigger budget available you`ll definitely have some advantages, but investing a lot of money to get started is not necessary at all.

Original Post: The Minimum You Need To Spend On Your Blog
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