The Best Of Daily Blog Tips in 2010 - DailyBlogTips

The Best Of Daily Blog Tips in 2010 - DailyBlogTips

The Best Of Daily Blog Tips in 2010

Posted: 31 Dec 2010 05:55 AM PST

Another year is in the can, and as usual I am creating a list with the most popular posts I published in 2010. Make sure to check them out if you missed some, and a happy 2011 to every one!

The Blog Post Checklist: How many times have you published a post, only to find out you forgot to proofread and that many typos slipped through? What about when the links you included are broken, when you used the wrong keywords, or when you forgot to optimize the post title?

10 Ways to Get Your Comments Blocked or Deleted: Leaving comments on other blogs is one of the most efficient ways to promote your own blog, and to network with fellow readers and blog owners. Given the rise of blog spam, however, getting your comments approved is not as easy as it sounds.

15 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging: I built my first blog back in 2005, and today a large part of my online income is generated from my blogs. Over these years I made many mistakes and figured some things out. Below you'll find 15 of them.

Interview: 12 Top Online Entrepreneurs Share How Hard They Work: I strongly believe that behind every successful person there is a huge amount of hard work, and that is why I am always interested in learning how long and how hard other entrepreneurs work (maybe to confirm that I am not the only one crazy out there….).

What Is Success?: This past weekend I was browsing through my RSS reader, and I came across an interesting post titled What is success? Impact. The author is basically questioning what should be considered success (on a professional level), and he comes to the conclusion that success should be measured as the positive impact his work will have upon the lives of other people.

15 Tips For Those Who Want to Make Money Online: If you are hoping for some kind of 'secret' or 'magic pill', I am sorry but you will not find it within this post. In fact, I can assure you that you will not find it anywhere else on the Internet either. However, that doesn't spell doom and surely doesn't mean that you will never be able to achieve your goal of making money online. While there are no secrets or magic pills, there are tips and points that can help you in your journey.

Top 10 Tips to Sell Your Website or Blog on Flippa: If you are planning to buy or sell a website, you probably already heard about Flippa. It is the largest online marketplace for websites. Most people who list a website for sale there, however, end up selling it for peanuts (e.g., $100), or not selling at all.

5 Reasons Why You Should Respond To Every Comment: If you enable comments on your blog (which I'm sure most of you do), then you obviously want your readers to interact by leaving comments after your post. Then why, I ask, does it usually end up being a one-sided conversation?

What Is Bounce Rate?: Today I was going to write about why new websites can display very misleading bounce rates, but I realized I had never covered the bounce rate concept before, so I'll stick to the basics today, and expand on the topic over the coming weeks.

10 Things Bloggers Should NOT Do: Every now and then I will see a list of things bloggers should do, but I notice people are not that inclined to do what they are asked to do, while they pay more attention to things they should NOT do. That is why I decided to create the list below.

What If I Had $1,500 To Start My Blog?: First of all I would recommend you to spend part of that money purchasing a good domain name. As a rule of thumb, look for something with 2 words, a .com extension, and with some branding potential.

5 Reasons to Take A Break From Your Blog: Approximately three months ago, I had a personal loss in my family. As a result of that loss, I took a much-needed break from blogging. It ended up being about two months of posting nothing to my blog, or anyone else's, for that matter.

Original Post: The Best Of Daily Blog Tips in 2010
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8 Signs That It's Time to Look for a New Job

Posted: 30 Dec 2010 07:57 AM PST

There are good jobs, bad jobs, and jobs that make you want to gouge your eyes out with a soup spoon. Most of us can take the good with the bad, but when things at work are continuously awful, it's time to start thinking about a change.

Listen, I get that we can't all be Lego assembly testers, video game reviewers, or rock stars, but come how much misery should we take before we start planning a job move?

Having been in a job I'm unhappy with for 9 years, I can certainly speak from experience when it comes to knowing when enough is enough. I consider myself an expert when it comes to finding reasons to quit.

Here are 10 signs that you need to find a different job:
  1. You area miserable S.O.B.
    Now, there are plenty of miserable people in this world and there could be a million different reasons for it. However, if your job is sucking all the joy from your life and is making your and your coworkers lives miserable, it's time to move on. Work won't always be a bed of roses and one needs to persevere, but there are limits.

  2. You dread going into work.
    Most people, if they had the choice, would opt not to go to work everyday. That's completely normal and reasonable. If you're anything like me, you probably try to think of as many ways you can get out of work as possible. How to you feel when that alarm clock goes off in the morning? Tired is fine; full of fear and stress is not.

  3. It's affecting your health.
    If you work with asbestos or in a coal mine, your job IS affecting your health. However, if you're a desk jockey and are not subjected to carcinogens all day long, that doesn't mean your health won't be compromised. Chronic stress has some serious adverse health effects.

  4. It's stealing your dreams.
    If you find yourself settling for a job you hate, it's time to wake up. Maybe you're too lazy to try to find another one. Maybe you're worried about job market conditions. Maybe you don't have the confidence to go out and make it happen for yourself. Whatever it is, change it. Do not give up on your dreams, EVER! I am not saying to quit and then look. I am saying that you should at least allocate some time to looking for another job and then making a move when the timing is right for your family, finances, etc.

  5. There is no room for growth.
    We all strive to better ourselves, or at least we should. Personal growth is something that every individual should experience. If it's being stifled by your job, it's time to pack it in. If you feel that regardless of your efforts and results that your current position is destined to be your only position, consider moving.

  6. You know it's the wrong job.
    When you were in high school and working at Wendy's or KFC, you knew it was temporary. However, when we're in the real world, we work for a living. We spend 40+ hours each week in our jobs. If we have chosen one that we know is not the right one for us, we must take action. It may take us 15 years to find the right job, but we need to find what makes us happy.

  7. It's not aligned with your values.
    Working at a job you don't like just for a paycheck is one thing. However, when you're in a job that is not at all in line with your values or morals, that's a real problem. For example, I work in the financial services industry. From what I've seen over the last 9 years, the primary theme is greed. It's amazing how prevalent greed is in this business and it makes me sick. I don't consider myself greedy, so being around money hungry sharks every day is a real problem for me. If your company stands for something that you don't believe in, it's time to get that resume out.

  8. It's a complete waste of your time.
    Time is the most valuable commodity on earth. Yes, we all have to work for a living and that takes up our time. But, when the job we are working in is nothing more than a means to an end, it's a waste. Go find something meaningful that will do the world some good. Be different, be bold, make a difference!
Whatever the case may be, if you are extremely unhappy in your current job, do something about it. Don't tell me about the unemployment rate or the "security" of your job. Your daily sanity is worth more than that.

Go find something you love to do!

Written on 12/30/2010 by Steve Roy. Steve is the owner of, a blog about escaping the daily grind of a 9 to 5 job, building an online business, and living your passions. You can also find him on Twitter at @EndGrind. Photo Credit: RLHyde


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