Most Bloggers Forget This Simple Rule. Do You? - DailyBlogTips

Most Bloggers Forget This Simple Rule. Do You? - DailyBlogTips

Most Bloggers Forget This Simple Rule. Do You?

Posted: 30 Nov 2010 04:58 AM PST

cameraWhen I wrote “most bloggers” in the title, I was including myself. In fact I forget this rule 80% of the time probably. Want to know what rule I am taking about? It is this one:

Include one image on each blog post you publish.

This rule is important for a couple of reasons. First of all adding images to your blog posts will help you capture the attention of distracted readers and encourage them to read your post.

Second, having images around will improve the design of your blog and make it more appealing.

Third, images can be a good source of search engine traffic, especially every post you publish has one (i.e., over time the combined traffic you’ll get for your images will add up).

So why do most bloggers forget this simple rule? Probably because they get lazy over time. That is my case at least. The solution is to force yourself to add those images initially, until you develop the habit.

Check out this post if you don’t know where to find images for your blog. I mention one paid and two free sources there, so money is not an excuse.

Original Post: Most Bloggers Forget This Simple Rule. Do You?
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hk, sekarang saya sedang bercuti.. (Buka, ada tips di dalam!)

Hi hk yang hansem-hansem dan cun! :)

hk apa khabar sekarang ni? Seperti tajuk di atas, kini
saya sedang bercuti.. Ya, lebih kurang sebulan setengah jugak!

Doakan semoga cuti saya ini dapat menjadikan saya lebih proaktif
untuk berinteraksi dengan hk yea. Terima kasih..

Oklah, alang-alang saya dah cuti ni.. Saya nak la bagi seberapa
banyak tips kepada hk sebagai subscribers VIP saya dari dulu
sampai sekarang ini dan insyaallah sampai bila-bila.. Bereh?

Jadi, pada email saya kali ini, ingin sekali saya kongsikan beberapa
tips motivasi dan inspirasi buat hk untuk dijadikan
sedikit panduan dalam menjalani kehidupan sebagai seorang usahawan.

Tips Motivasi #1:
"Sebagai usahawan, banyak pengorbanan PERLU diutamakan!"

Ya, sebagai seorang usahawan yang sering kali berhadapan dengan
pelbagai karenah pelanggan, anda perlu PROFESIONAL dalam mencurahkan
pengorbanan demi pengorbanan. Motivasi diri sebagai usahawan perlu
kuat untuk berjaya.

--> Pengorbanan Masa
--> Pengorbanan Tenaga
--> Pengorbanan Wang

.. dan untuk mendapatkan pelbagai Tips Motivasi, Tips Perniagaan
dan Tips Kewangan yang lebih banyak lagi.. Saya ada kongsikan di
artikel blog saya melalui hari demi hari di blog peribadi saya yang
TERBARU di sini:


Dan tidak lupa juga, saya sudah sediakan satu fan page TERBARU
buat hk menerima pelbagai tips-tips ikhlas dari saya di:


Semoga saya di sini membantu hari ceria hk!
Terima kasih kerana membaca email ringkas saya ini..

Jumpa lagi di dalam pelbagai tips-tips yang seterusnya yea!

- Tengku Faris Tengku Khalid


3749 Kampung Pusu Tiga, Bukit Payong, Marang, Terengganu 21400, MALAYSIA

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Projek Dengan 2 Orang Otai Clickbank..

Dah 2 hari saya tidur lambat disebabkan
meluangkan masa chatting dengan 2 orang 
otai clickbank (international) untuk projek
baru saya nanti.
Waktu Malaysia dah 5am, mereka baru 5pm..
Saya pasti kalau saya sebut saja nama 2 orang
tu, anda mesti kenal sebab mereka berdua memang
famous berbanding saya yang lebih bergerak
secara underground.
Mereka berdua juga merupakan jutawan Clickbank
yang kalau sekali hantar email, boleh terus menang
Range Rover..
Lagi seorang pulak merupakan seorang jutawan CB
juga yang sedang melancong keliling dunia sejak
Jun lalu dan akan pulang pada Januari ini..
Jealous pulak saya..
Yelah, mereka berdua kawan baik saya walaupun
tak pernah jumpa tapi selalu chatting dan berbalas
email serta kami membantu antara satu sama lain..
Tapi mereka berdua lebih power dari saya sebab
mereka lebih fokus pada niche IM berbanding saya
mempunyai beberapa niche.
Namun, saya tetap berbangga walaupun saya belum
bergelar jutawan, pendapatan yang saya dapat cukup
dapat menukar kehidupan saya dan keluarga 360 darjah.
Menukar hidup saya sendiri mudah sikit..
Tapi bila dapat menukar nasib keluarga yang dulunya
merupakan seorang penjaja tepi jalan menjadi seorang
peniaga maju adalah lebih membanggakan bagi saya..
Saya pegang satu prinsip..
"Kita takkan berjaya selagi orang disekeliling kita
belum berjaya.."
Dan satu lagi prinsip perniagaan yang saya amalkan..
"Perniagaan adalah tentang SIAPA yang anda kenal,
bukan sekadar APA yang anda tahu.."
Jadi, saya boleh mendabik dada sebab tahun 2010 ini
adalah tahun yang penuh bermakna buat saya..
Banyak matlamat yang saya dah berjaya capai..
Saya banyak berjumpa, berkenalan, berkawan, sehingga
menjadi sahabat baik kepada orang-orang yang hebat
sekaligus berjaya membesarkan syarikat saya sendiri..
Kalau anda nak tahu macam mana saya lakukan 
di Clickbank, berjaya menjalinkan jaringan dengan
otai yang hebat dan sekaligus menambahkan pendapatan
saya dan syarikat saya melalui Clickbank, boleh sertai
Seminar Clickbank saya.. 18 Disember ni..
Maklumat lanjut boleh download surat dari saya
untuk anda yang nak tahu pasal Clickbank..
Saya hanya email sekali sebelum ni dan dah setengah
kuota diisi. Ni kali kedua saya email dan sebaik saja
penuh kuota 20 orang, saya nekad untuk tutup
pendaftaran seminar ini..
Peserta kali ini bertuah kerana saya juga akan 
dedahkan 'behind the scene' projek yang akan 
saya jalankan bersamai 2 orang otai CB itu nanti..
Ammar Zahar
P.S Datuk kepada salah seorang staf saya, Asrul
baru saja pergi ke rahmatullah. Kepada yang beragama
Islam, mari kita sedekahkan Al-fatihah kepada datuk beliau.

147 Jalan Senangin 7 Taman Senangin, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan 70450, MALAYSIA

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Dumb Little Man: Are You An Emotional Packrat?

Dumb Little Man: Are You An Emotional Packrat?

Link to Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life

Are You An Emotional Packrat?

Posted: 29 Nov 2010 04:22 PM PST

Confession time, until a few years ago I was an emotional packrat. While I would tell others to let stuff go, forgive and forget, and just move on, I would keep adding to my emotional baggage and never dealing with it.

I would hang on to these thoughts and feelings continually replaying different scenarios in my head. Each time I would think of things I should have said (or perhaps should have avoided saying). I would think of what I should have done differently, as if this replay would change the outcome.

There is a lot of damage that can come from hanging on to, storing, and replaying all of these past issues. It can cause an enormous amount of stress, anxiety, and even depression in some cases.

So how do you know if you you're an emotional packrat?
  1. You constantly replay past confrontations, conversations and situations in your head.
  2. You find yourself saying, "I wish I had said ______________." Or, "I should have done _________."
  3. You get anxious when you think of certain people or get stressed at the thought of running into someone in an otherwise completely nonthreatening situation.
  4. You find yourself worrying about what the other people are thinking of you.
So what can you do about it?
  1. Remember this one thing...
    You'd worry less about what people thought of you if you knew how little they did. This has been the single most effective thing to help me get over worrying about what other people were thinking of me. It really makes sense if you just think about it. How often do you think about other people? Your work mates, your hairdresser, your close friend? My guess would be not that often. Well, this works the other way as well. Just as you don't think about, gossip about or otherwise worry about other people it's unlikely that they are any different.

  2. Aim for simplicity.
    There are people who absolutely thrive on drama. They love the buzz and excitement it creates. Personally, I can't stand it. Drama adds unnecessary stress and complication to any relationship. Imagine someone always leaving stuff to the last minute and madly running around trying to get everything done on time? They try and suck you in by asking you to help out to get it done. The more you play their game the more you get sucked in and before you know it you're just as stressed and excited as the one that started it. Aim for simplicity and don't perpetuate other people's games by playing along, engaging them or encouraging the behavior.

  3. Admit you were wrong and move on.
    For most of us, when we do something wrong to someone else we feel guilt, regret and remorse. It's nearly impossible to let that go unless you're able to apologize or somehow make it right. This may require you to swallow your pride, "man up" and do the right thing. But, once you have and you have a clear conscience, release it. Even if the other person is still upset or unable to get passed it. That's their choice.

  4. Don't do it again.
    You screwed up, we all do, and if you're passed point 3 (above), don't let it happen again. Learn from your mistake and avoid having to go through it again in the future. This is the most valuable part of screwing up! :)
How to stop being an emotional packrat.
  1. Don't store it in the first place.
    When things come up deal with them. The advice given to every couple around the world "never go to bed angry" is applicable to everyone. Don't let things hang for a prolonged period of time. Deal with them as quickly as possible so they don't grow into something much, much bigger.

  2. Be picky.
    It's okay to be choosy when it comes to who you hang out with, what commitments you agree to and "games" you play or don't play. If there is one person in particular who tends to aggravate you more than anyone else consider reducing your interaction with them. If there is a drama queen (or king) in your midst don't react, don't engage and just let them figure it out. You don't need to take it all, or even part of it, on board and you don't need to help them every single time.

  3. Be okay with being you.
    You're not perfect, nobody is, and that's okay. Don't apologize for being who you are and instead be confident with being who you are. Try not to take so much on board.
There's a lot of talk these days about decluttering and simplifying our homes, schedules, and work environments I think we should also add our emotions to that list. Don't you?

Written on 11/29/2010 by Sherri Kruger. Sherri writes at Zen Family Habits, a blog celebrating all things family. Sherri also writes on personal development at Serene Journey, a blog dedicated to sharing simple tips to enjoy lifePhoto Credit: TheeErin


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