About Today: 8 Great Berry Recipes

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From Jen Hubley, your About Today Editor
When we want my nephew to do something, we bribe him with berries. Just about any kind will do, although he's partial to blueberries in particular. In this way, he's much like his old auntie, who never met a berry she didn't like.

8 Easy Berry Recipes
Want Owen to cheer up? Give him so blueberries. Distract him from danger? Ditto. Need him to go to bed? We've never actually made a trail of blueberries and waited for him to follow it, but I'm betting he would.

Summer Delights: Recipes for Berries
The best part about eating berries, especially berry desserts, is that you're being healthy while you're indulging your sweet tooth. This happens almost never, in my experience.

Easy Berry Smoothie Recipe
A friend of mine keeps frozen berries all year round, so that she can make smoothies whenever she wants. She's the best at being a grown-up of anyone I know.

When Is That Berry in Season?
But say you want fresh berries: When can you get 'em, and know they're from nearby? You can start here.


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