About Today: How to Look 10 Pounds Thinner

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From Jen Hubley, your About Today Editor
Watching the Emmys, I'm always acutely aware of the fact that most TV and movie stars are genetic freaks. My theory is that they were grown in a lab, bred small on purpose in order to fit into our television sets.

How to Dress 10 Pounds Thinner
And don't get me wrong: I don't actually think I'd look better if I lost half my body mass. However, I do admire a few things about the stars - namely, their access to professional stylists, and their ability to pose.

How to Look Skinny in Photos
A good pose is better than a personal trainer, in terms of making you look skinny. (In terms of cardiac health, not so much.)

How to Look Taller
Setting aside the posing business for a minute - because you'll look weird if you do that in a business meeting - there are other ways to look tall and slender. They involve tricks and clothing, two of my favorite things.

Better Posture Makes You Look Thinner
Ultimately, your mom was right: Standing up straighter will make you look more fit. Also, your face will freeze that way, but that's another newsletter.


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