HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

10 Ways to Cope with an Addict in the Family


Addiction can wreak havoc on a family. From learning about addiction to setting boundaries, we have 10 coping strategies to help families facing this insidious disease.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The Ultimate Internet Myths Quiz


The Internet: It's growing faster than we can manage to keep up. Penetrating our professional and personal lives, this tool brings the world to our fingertips with a click of a mouse or cell phone button. But with this increase in information also comes an influx of misinformation. From Big Brother security myths to the fabrication of what the Internet actually is, cyberspace is full of fictions of its own. Can you call a myth's bluff? Test your knowledge on what's real and what's not in the globe's largest electronic world.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Weird Videos


In this video, an octopus disguises itself as a flounder. Marine Biological Laboratory senior scientist Roger Hanlon talks to James Williams about the eight-legged impersonator.

In the year 2050, what energy source will we use to power our vehicles?


The rising cost and projected scarcity of fossil fuels has people talking. But finding a new power source and developing an infrastructure will be costly and challenging. Will we still be using gasoline in 2050?

How Hurricanes Work


This month, researchers sponsored by three U.S. government agencies, including NASA, will kick off a field study in the Atlantic Ocean to find out more about how hurricanes form. What's the life cycle of a hurricane?

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