HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

Top 5 Myths about Video Games


Video games have been the stuff of legend ever since they took the world by storm in the early 1980s. In fact, the video game world is so insular that you'd have to be a dedicated gamer to even hear certain myths about them.

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10 Job Interview Tips


You may think you've cleared the highest hurdle once you've landed a job interview, but even one simple mistake can ruin your shot at the position. How can you make sure your interview leaves a good impression?

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Destroyed In Seconds Videos


During a British air show stunt, Russian MiG test pilots barely escape with their lives after their planes collide and explode. See the catastrophe up-close in this clip from Discovery's "Destroyed In Seconds" series.

How Icebergs Work


According to U.S. researcher Andreas Muenchow, a massive ice island four times the size of Manhattan has broken off an iceberg in northwestern Greenland. What exactly are icebergs, and how are they different from glaciers?

Could agricultural biotechnology end famine?


The U.N. World Food Programme says more than 1 billion people don't get enough to eat every day. Are crops genetically modified to generate better yields the answer to the world's hunger problems?

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