Time To Update The Retweet Button? - DailyBlogTips

Time To Update The Retweet Button? - DailyBlogTips

Time To Update The Retweet Button?

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 06:41 AM PDT

Twitter became one of the most popular platforms to share links online, and as a result most bloggers and website owners are using some kind of retweet button these days.

The button provided by Tweetmeme was by far the most popular one around the web, but a couple of weeks ago there were some news that might change this picture. Basically Twitter launched its own retweet button (here is the official page to get the code for your site), and it seems that they made a licensing deal with Tweetmeme, because that company itself is now recommending people to use Twitter’s version of the button.

I had the Tweetmeme button installed on this blog, but as you can see now I have migrated to the official one from Twitter, mainly to test it out. There is one thing I like so far: the Twitter button is not automatic as the Tweetmeme one was. This means that when you click on the button a pop-up window will open with the text you are about to retweet, but you can customize it as you see fit, and only then send it to your Twitter stream. With Tweetmeme the process was automatic, and as soon as you would hit the button your Twitter stream would get updated with the message.

However, there are some negative points too. First of all the Tweetmeme plugin for WordPress had many more features, including the possibility of displaying the button on your RSS feed and choosing what URL shortener you want to use. Second, the Twitter button seems to have some technical glitches yet. For example, it seems to under-report the number of retweets on any given page, and sometimes it also displays a zero there wrongly.

I’ll probably stick with the Twitter version, because I think Twitter will keep developing and polishing it, but I wonder what most people will do, as there are many options available (e.g., Tweetmeme, Topsy, and so on).

What retweet button are you currently using? Do yo plan to switch to Twitter’s official one if you are not using it yet?

Original Post: Time To Update The Retweet Button?
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