HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

Name the Price: Mansions


Chances are you won't be able to actually buy one of these mansions -- all you can really do is drool at the pictures and take a wild stab at their price tags. But if you do happen to have 100 million lying around, hey, you're in luck! Almost all of these behemoths were actually on the market at press time. Grab your diamond-encrusted cell phone and call your real estate agent before some other gazillionaire beats you to it!

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Top 10 Structurally Amazing Bridges


Bridges move cars, trains, bikes and people, among other things. These 10 may even move your soul with their engineering ingenuity and beauty. So which 10 make the cut?

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

What Are the Odds? Skin Cancer


What are the odds you could get skin cancer? Learn more about odds in this video.

How Vermicomposting Works


Aristotle called worms the intestines of the world. The ancient Chinese called them angels of the soil. Either way, can these slimy creatures turn your organic waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer?

What can archaeology teach us about humanity?


Israeli archaeologists have excavated an extravagant theater box at King Herod's winter palace in the Judean desert. What can archeological discoveries tell us about human history?

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