HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

Entertain Your Brain: Play Spliterature


Are you a master of words? Try Spliterature! In each round two related words are spliced together. Can you figure out what they are? Watch out for puns, twists, turns, jokes, and general trickery as you try to score as many points as you can! The faster you play, the more points you'll earn. Good luck!

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

10 Disaster Survival Tips for Pets


If you live in a disaster-prone area, you probably know how to prepare your home and what to stock up on in case a hurricane or tornado strikes. But have you thought about what to do with your pet? That's a part of disaster preparedness, too.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

How to Survive Videos


Big predators pose a big threat unless you know what to do under attack. This video from Discovery Channel advises making lots of noise, freezing when confronted and playing defense in order to survive.

5 Tips for Applying for Financial Aid


Two reports issued this week show that the cost of college tuition in the United States rose again this fall, with some schools seeing increases of up to 7.9 percent. What financial aid options are out there, and what's the best way to apply?

How the Autobahn Works


The word "autobahn" conjures images of top-speed thrills on smooth stretches of highway in the Bavarian heartland. The truth is, most German drivers simply consider it a way to get from point A to point B. What are average speeds clocked on the autobahn?

Jangan call & sms je.....tapi gunalah H/P anda untuk menjana wang

Hanya guna ibu jari untuk memperolehi pendapatan yang lumayan
Tiada pasaran terhad, tiada pelanggan tertentu

Pasaran luas dengan 20 juta pengguna telefon bimbit yang sedia ada

          Hampir semua orang pelanggan kita !!
                 Tidak kira bangsa atau Agama
                      Tunggu apa lagi ?? 
                             Daftarlah percuma hari ini !!  
            Orang yang berjaya mencari cara & idea !!
                    Orang yang gagal mencari alasan !!
            Anda bagaimana ?? Tepuk dada tanyalah selera !!

Jangan call & sms je.....tapi gunalah H/P anda untuk menjana wang

Hanya guna ibu jari untuk memperolehi pendapatan yang lumayan
Tiada pasaran terhad, tiada pelanggan tertentu

Pasaran luas dengan 20 juta pengguna telefon bimbit yang sedia ada

          Hampir semua orang pelanggan kita !!
                 Tidak kira bangsa atau Agama                                                     Tunggu apa lagi ?? 
                             Daftarlah percuma hari ini !!  
            Orang yang berjaya mencari cara & idea !!
                    Orang yang gagal mencari alasan !!
            Anda bagaimana ?? Tepuk dada tanyalah selera !!

100+ Peserta Akademi Usahawan Berpuas Hati Dengan Kami hk!

Hai hk,

Pada hari Sabtu yang lepas (30hb), saya dan
Team Flarebiz telah mengadakan Akademi Usahawan
buat kali kedua.

Respon yang kami terima amat baik. Rata-rata
peserta semua sudah bersiap sedia untuk menjadi
usahawan dan membina empayar perniagaan internet.

Mungkin hk tidak dapat hadir atas sebab-sebab
yang tertentu. Tidak mengapa...

Kerana kami akan mengadakan Akademi Usahawan buat
kali terakhir di Kuala Lumpur. Untuk maklumat lanjut
dan tempahan awal, hk boleh lakukan di:

Oh hk, bagaiman dengan Marketing Classroom?
Ramai yang sudah berjaya menjana RM1 dengan kelas

Apa yang lebih menarik ialah, ada yang berjaya
mencipta produk digital sendiri melalui kelas
pemasaran ini.

Jadi hk, jika ada sebarang soalan, boleh balas
terus emel ini. Saya akan cuba balas dengan jawapan
yang terbaik.

Dalam masa yang sama, saya ingin sarankan hk
untuk dapatkan ebook di bawah jika hk mempunyai
akaun Twitter.


Ebook ini hanya untuk hk yang mempunyai akaun
Twitter sahaja. Kerana panduan ini akan mengajar cara-
cara untuk hk buat duit "straight to the point".

Bayangkan hari ini hk dibayar RM100 dengan sekali
'Tweet' sahaja. Bukankah itu satu jumlah wang yang amat

Itu baru sekali Tweet. Kalau sebulan hk dapat
10 job tweet bernilai RM100 setiap satu?

Dah RM1000 tu... :)

Jangan risau kerana hk hanya perlu laburkan jumlah
wang yang kecil sahaja untuk dapatkan ebook di bawah:


Dan satu lagi pengumuman penting, hari Isnin (esok) saya
akan lancarkan satu lagi ebook yang akan mengajar hk
strategi untuk buat duit dengan blog.

Bukan dengan pengiklanan, review, affiliate dan sebagainya.

Mahu tahu? Nantikan hari esok... Khas untuk subscriber
Marketing Classroom sahaja.

Jumpa kita di lain hari hk. Saya harap hk sentiasa
gembira menjadi subscriber saya.

Salam kejayaan!

Aqif, Han & Juan
Digital Methodology Solutions (001968247-W)
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How to Deliver An eBook To Your Newsletter Subscribers - DailyBlogTips

How to Deliver An eBook To Your Newsletter Subscribers - DailyBlogTips

How to Deliver An eBook To Your Newsletter Subscribers

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 12:23 PM PDT

questions and answersThis post is part of the Friday Q&A section. If you want to ask a question just send it via the contact form.

Justin asks:

I am setting up an email newsletter, and I want to give a free ebook to my subscribers. How do I go about delivering it once they subscribe, however?

The very first thing you need to do is to upload your ebook into your server. I like to upload it zipped, because if you upload the PDF directly some people might have problem downloading it (i.e., when they click on the link Adobe Acrobat will open instead of the download beginning). Truth be said some people will also have problems unzipping the file, but I find the amount is smaller.

Once you the ebook file is ready to be downloaded you’ll just need to communicate the link to your subscribers, and you can do this in two ways.

The first one is to create a follow-up sequence (might also be called autoresponder sequence, depending on which email marketing solution you are using). With this option you’ll basically create a message that is sent to each subscriber right after he subscribes. You can include a welcome message there, and then put the download link for your ebook.

The second option is to include the download link right on the subscription confirmation page. Most email marketing services allow you to use a custom page, and all subscribers are sent there as soon as they confirm their subscription (usually by clicking on a confirmation link sent to them via email). You would just need to include your welcome message and the download link directly in that custom page.

The second option is useful for people who don’t plan to use an autoresponder, but for most other cases I prefer the first one. It’s a bit more secure, since your download link will not be exposed on a public web page, and it allows you to start building a relationship with your subscribers right way.

Finally, you can also deliver an ebook to RSS subscribers (including people subscribing to your email feed via Feedburner). In this case you’ll need to append the download link at the bottom of your RSS feed, though, and you can do that with the RSS footer plugin.

Original Post: How to Deliver An eBook To Your Newsletter Subscribers
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HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

The Ultimate Movies Quiz


You've got throwing an Oscar party down pat. All of your favorite blogs are written by grips, gaffers and set designers. You see no reason for your cable provider to offer any other channel than American Movie Classics, and the people who work the box office at no less than three movie theaters know you by your first name. Think you've got what it takes to pass this movie quiz? Let's see what you've got.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Need a New Diversion? Try Mahjongg Dark Dimensions


The new puzzle classic returns with yet another twist! Mahjongg Dark Dimensions offers even bigger challenges than the original 3D Mahjongg game, with new puzzles and features. Just when you think you're stuck, you can rotate the cube to reveal more matches to clear!

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Shark Attack Videos


This clip from Discovery Channel's "Air Jaws: Sharks of South Africa" takes us to the Ring of Death, where breaching sharks are always on the hunt for their next meal.

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What is kayak angst? Is there something to the five-second rule? Why are nails on a chalkboard so horrible? Bloggers Chuck and Josh dedicate themselves to making you a more interesting person by getting to the bottom of the secrets of life.

What is friendship?


In kindergarten, it may have been the girl who always gave you the frosting from her cupcake. As an adult, it may be the guy who will answer the phone at 2 a.m. when you need to talk. How do you define a friend?


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