How to Deliver An eBook To Your Newsletter Subscribers - DailyBlogTips

How to Deliver An eBook To Your Newsletter Subscribers - DailyBlogTips

How to Deliver An eBook To Your Newsletter Subscribers

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 12:23 PM PDT

questions and answersThis post is part of the Friday Q&A section. If you want to ask a question just send it via the contact form.

Justin asks:

I am setting up an email newsletter, and I want to give a free ebook to my subscribers. How do I go about delivering it once they subscribe, however?

The very first thing you need to do is to upload your ebook into your server. I like to upload it zipped, because if you upload the PDF directly some people might have problem downloading it (i.e., when they click on the link Adobe Acrobat will open instead of the download beginning). Truth be said some people will also have problems unzipping the file, but I find the amount is smaller.

Once you the ebook file is ready to be downloaded you’ll just need to communicate the link to your subscribers, and you can do this in two ways.

The first one is to create a follow-up sequence (might also be called autoresponder sequence, depending on which email marketing solution you are using). With this option you’ll basically create a message that is sent to each subscriber right after he subscribes. You can include a welcome message there, and then put the download link for your ebook.

The second option is to include the download link right on the subscription confirmation page. Most email marketing services allow you to use a custom page, and all subscribers are sent there as soon as they confirm their subscription (usually by clicking on a confirmation link sent to them via email). You would just need to include your welcome message and the download link directly in that custom page.

The second option is useful for people who don’t plan to use an autoresponder, but for most other cases I prefer the first one. It’s a bit more secure, since your download link will not be exposed on a public web page, and it allows you to start building a relationship with your subscribers right way.

Finally, you can also deliver an ebook to RSS subscribers (including people subscribing to your email feed via Feedburner). In this case you’ll need to append the download link at the bottom of your RSS feed, though, and you can do that with the RSS footer plugin.

Original Post: How to Deliver An eBook To Your Newsletter Subscribers
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