About Today: Give Thanks for Your Child With Special Needs

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From Jen Hubley, your About Today Editor
It's easy to think of Thanksgiving as just an eating holiday, or, at the most, as an excuse to hang out all day with family and not go to work. But it's also a time to be thankful - for our families most of all.

10 Reasons to Give Thanks for Your Child With Special Needs
The holidays can be particularly rough on families with special needs children. The disruption to routine is often harder on those kids, and often, family members aren't as helpful as they could be.

Celebrating Thanksgiving with Your Autistic Loved One
Worse, people who don't know your kids as well as you do might not get all the reasons you have to be thankful FOR them. (Not just around them.)

Start a Thanksgiving Tradition With Your Child
The good thing about traditions is that you can always start new ones. I love the first tradition here: Decorating the house with your kids.

Family Gathering Survival Kit
Some of the items in this survival kit are extra hilarious: For example, the perfect thing for the relative who won't shut up about either your child's behavior or your parenting.
See More About:  humor  family issues  holidays


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