About Today: What's Your Favorite Thanksgiving Memory?

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From Jen Hubley, your About Today Editor
My favorite Thanksgiving memory was my Dad making the turkey carcass dance during clean-up. I was about 8 years old at the time, so I'm pretty sure I was waiting for it to help clean. (No such luck.)

What's Your Favorite Thanksgiving Memory?
A close second: My Mom talking to the turkey during cooking time. I'm not totally positive, but I'm pretty sure she was singing at one point. That's either awesome or really creepy, depending on your point of view.

Share Thanksgiving Pictures and Stories
We also have some great pictures of my sister and I attempted to murder one another over the wishbone. Holidays = family fun!
See More About:  thanksgiving  holiday decorating 

Thanksgiving Across the Country
One of the interesting things to me is that Thanksgiving is pretty much the same in every part of the country - at least, the turkey dinner part. Parades and other celebrations vary widely.

Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving: History and Origin
Fun Thanksgiving fact! The holiday used to be one week later, but FDR pushed it back to leave more time for holiday shopping. This would later be known as "The beginning of tinsel in drugstores in August."


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