HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

The Ultimate Thanksgiving Quiz


A table full of turkey, corn, stuffing and cranberries can only mean one thing: Thanksgiving! Aside from the tasty morsels, Thanksgiving is also a yearly celebration of gratitude that originated with the Pilgrims and Native Americans. Put down that turkey leg, turn off the big game for a few minutes and give thanks for the Thanksgiving quiz.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

10 Things You Should Buy in Bulk


Buying in bulk doesn't always mean you have to buy three gallons of everything to get a good deal. You can actually save a bundle if you play your cards right -- and know what things you actually should buy in bulk.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Thanksgiving Videos


Turkeys are more than just Thanksgiving dinner.

Take a game break and play Alu's Revenge!


How many points can you score?

Top 10 Body Parts That Can Be Successfully Rebuilt


You've likely heard stories about unbelievable medical cases, and thanks to science and technology, doctors can solve even the most difficult of them. Here's a list of some common cases you might be familiar with. Thank goodness for science!

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