Try Feedjit Pro free for 10 days


You are receiving this email because you recently signed up with Feedjit. Our Live Traffic Feed lets you see your friends and visitors as they arrive on your blog or website.

We hope you are enjoying the free Live Traffic Feed, and want to share 3 unique features that we feel are key reasons why you should consider a free 10-day trial of Feedjit Pro or Feedjit Advanced.

1. Personalize your Live Traffic Feed.

Bloggers and site owners like to personalize their site. The Advanced version of the Live Traffic Feed keeps up with your creativity. It allows you to match the theme of your site and easily fit your site design by choosing the number of visitors to display. You can remove all the Feedjit branding and menu options you don’t want to appear. And as an added bonus, you can see the websites and search engines that send you visitors. Feedjit Advanced gives you all the options you need to personalize the Live Traffic Feed for your site.

2. Keep your visitor information private.

Blogs and websites are designed for different purposes and needs. If you want the ability to monitor your visitors but keep the information private, Feedjit Pro offers this. You can install an invisible Live Traffic Feed on your site and view your visitor information in private.

3. Become a visitor expert.

With Feedjit Pro, you can watch a person travel through your site as they visit each page. You can see how long they stay on each page before clicking through to the next one. You can see their journey from beginning to end and understand how they experience your site. Keep on top of important events happening on your site with real-time email alerts such as when you get a visitor from a new country or if a particular page on your site was just viewed. With detailed real-time graphs and charts including which search engines and keyword searches send you the most traffic, comparisons between new and returning visitors, most popular pages on your site and many more, you have the tools you need to become a visitor expert.

Take advantage of our limited, free 10-day trial!
Personalize your Live Traffic Feed with Feedjit Advanced. Become a visitor expert with Feedjit Pro.


Feedjit Inc., 1916 Pike Place Suite 12365, Seattle, WA USA

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