Is there a solvent that can be put in a generator engine to dissolve dried gasoline? The engine is seized.?

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Question by Hazel: Is there a solvent that can be put in a generator engine to dissolve dried gasoline? The engine is seized.? It is a new machine. Put gas in it to run for a short period of time...have not used it since...this being about 4 years. The engine is frozen so that it is impossible to start it with the pull rope. Thanks for any advice. Best answer:

Answer by FROGMAN
Gas wont seize up an engine ! lack of use will cause it to seiz up a cylinder. Take off the head and put an Oz. of marvel Mystery oil on top of the piston and let it soak for a few days then try to tap the cylinder loose with a wooden dowel and hammer ! A ring could be broken off also then your in for a rebuild ! If its a single piston engine you can pour an oz into the spark plug hole ! instead of tearing apart the engine. It usually works for an engine that has just picked up moisture from sitting for 4 years

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