HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

10 Things Not to Say to a Pregnant Woman


"You must be due any day!" might sound like an innocent remark to make to a pregnant lady -- until you learn she is only six months along and you've just implied she is grossly fat. Oops. Check out our list of other no-nos to blurt out to your expecting acquaintances.

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The Ultimate Great Pacific Garbage Patch Quiz


Did you know the world's biggest landfill isn't actually on land? It's in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. How did it get there, and what's in this landfill?

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

What defines a sexy walk?


See how men and women change their gait when they think eyes are watching.

10 Most Long-lived Empires in History


Empires rise and fall -- it's a seemingly unavoidable fact of life on Earth. But the superpowers on this list reigned longer than any others. What can we learn from their missteps and achievements?

Top 5 Sci-fi Weapons that Might Actually Happen


Over the years, the science-fiction genre has amassed an impressive arsenal. Is anything from those fictional armories remotely close to becoming a reality?

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