HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

Fact or Fiction: Generation Y


They're entering the workforce in record numbers and will soon begin shaping the course of history. But how well do you know the members of Generation Y? Take this quiz to test your knowledge of Gen Y'ers in the workplace and in the world.

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10 Things You Should Never, Ever Wear to a Wedding


Everyone will be looking at the bride on her wedding day, but don't think your fashion faux pas will go unnoticed. When strangers have to make conversation at the dinner table, they'll be talking about you -- the guest in the unforgivable outfit. Avoid nuptial notoriety!

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

HowStuffWorks "Stuff From the Future Podcast"


One of our newest podcasts: Stuff from the Future! Take a look!

Are humans wired to survive?


A Japanese hiker slipped, was knocked unconscious and then survived 24 days without food or water. That's not supposed to be possible. What survival instincts fuel us through dire straits?

Waist-ing away: Lace up and learn the real story of corsets.


As fashion, fetish and historical foundation, the corset continues to fascinate. Think you know the scoop on this misunderstood garment? Think again.

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