HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

HowStuffWorks DailyStuff

10 Items You Should Always Buy Generic


The average family of four spends about $6,000 a year at the supermarket. In this economy, we're looking for every possible way we can cut back. What are some items that you should always buy generic in order to save money?

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Quiz: Fuel Saving Without Gimmicks


With gas prices going up, it seems that everyone has advice on how to save at the pump. Whether we're talking gadgets and gizmos or fuel-saving driving techniques, there are as many myths out there as there is sound advice on saving on gas. Think you're a pro when it comes to fuel savings? Find out with our quiz.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Crimes of the Century: Lessons of the OJ Trial


Is there anything to be learned from the O.J. Simpson trial? In this Investigation Discovery video, Vincent Bugliosi weighs in on the subject.

Tracking Your Invisible Internet Trail


Numerous predictions of a 2012 apocalypse cite the Bible as their source material. But does the good book actually contain this information?

Can you change?


Sure, someone can quit smoking. But if he still yearns to smoke for the rest of his life, has he really changed? What does it take to alter behavior?

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