Advanced PDF Technology for the Smart Executive – Register Now!

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Delivering better ways of connecting people, ideas and information.

You deal with documents on a daily basis - presenting and publishing your ideas in documents or combining multiple document types such as spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, plans, or even web pages into a larger document set.

You probably share the documents with your team members as they help you review and refine your ideas collaboratively. At times you may find that you need to use forms to collect data to help you put together your ideas.

And if your document contains confidential information, you would want to make sure that you can control who can view the document and set permissions on how the document is used or what changes can be made to the document - in short, maintaining document access and integrity.

* Each session duration is one hour.
Session 1 Take Your Work to the Next Level with Dynamic PDFs
> Find out more
Session 2 Form Creation at Your Fingertips
> Find out more
Session 3 Effective Collaboration to Streamline Review and Approval Processes
> Find out more
Session 4 Protecting Your PDF Documents to Safeguard Your Work
> Find out more
29 April 2010, Thursday
Singapore | Philippines | Malaysia
11.00am - 3.00pm
Indonesia | Thailand | Vietnam
10.00am - 2.00pm

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