About Portable Electronics: All You Want to Know About eReaders

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From Jason Hidalgo, your Guide to Portable Electronics
In an effort to help folks sort through all the info out there about eBook readers, I've put together a new eReader Central Hub. Plus we've got the latest iPad rumblings yet again, including more talk about an iPad camera and Dish Network's new iPad app.

The eBook Reader Central Hub
From buying tips and eReader technology to reviews of the most popular devices, our new eBook Reader hub has all sorts of info for anyone looking into eReaders. Read more

Yet More Proof of an iPad Camera?
Earlier this year, an Apple job posting started some chatter on the Internets about the addition of a camera to its magical and revolutionary tablet. Read more

Dish Network to Release TV App for iPad, iPhone
Dish Network customers who want to be able to watch their TV shows on their iPad will soon have an app designed specifically with them in mind. Read more

Barnes & Noble Nook Wi-Fi Review
No you're not seeing double. In case you're getting that feeling of de ja vu all over again, I'm actually reviewing my second dual-screen eReader in a week, the Nook Wi-Fi. Read more


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The minister, music and champagne are just the beginning -- why not get married aboard a helicopter or have a pirate swing in to deliver your rings? Arrrr! More>

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Jason Hidalgo
Portable Electronics Guide
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