About Today: How to Save Money on Back-to-School Supplies

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From Jen Hubley, your About Today Editor
When I was a kid, we spent the whole summer looking forward to back-to-school shopping. We weren't necessarily as keen on what followed the shopping, but we were definitely psyched to spend our parents' money on more unicorn-embossed Trapper Keepers.

How to Save Money on Back-to-School Supplies
But that was then. Now, I assume, your kids are clamoring for tiny rocket ships and mind control devices. (Because we live in the FUTURE.)

9 Tricks for Saving Money on Supplies
When I have kids, I'm going to have a lot of trouble keeping my wits about me during the back-to-school shopping season. It's hard not to pile your cart full of useless shiny objects that smell like new paper and fresh starts.

6 More Ways to Save
If you can restrain yourself, however, you'll have enough money to buy yourself something before the holidays roll around.

Video: How to Get Discount School Supplies
Personally, I would opt for back-to-school supplies for me. Even if you're not headed to class, new stationary means a fresh start.


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