Don't give up now!

RE: Account: helmi18
Deactivated on Aug 2nd, 2010

Hello, Helmi

I see that your account is currently "inactive".

I just had to email you and let you know that letting your account terminate now could be a HUGE mistake!

You may or may not realize this, but many of our members (after leaving end up coming back. The most common comment I hear is:

"I should have just stayed. I would have been much further along now".


"After seeing how some of these other companies do things, I'm sticking with".

I'm not sure what your particular situation is, and I don't want to pressure you in any way. But I would just HATE to see you give up before things start coming together for you.

If there is something you're just not getting or anything we can do to help, just say the word. Our team is ready to do all we can to help you reach your goals of online marketing success.

A while back, we had someone with NO knowledge of Internet marketing and very limited knowledge of computers sign up for a account. The reason was simple: We wanted to get their feedback on the systems, training, etc... so they could tell us how someone on the "outside" might feel about

It took this person about a month to work through all the training. They have a full-time job and had very limited time in the evenings to actually go through the training information.

We didn't walk them through anything. The deal was that they had to go through the Training information on their own... just as any typical user would have to do. After all... if this person could come by the office and have us help them personally, we really couldn't get the feedback we needed.

After a few weeks, this person came back to us to sit down and let us know his thoughts.

His evaluation started with: "It took me a while to understand what I was reading, but once I started to see how it all works, I began to see just how powerful this system is.".

I asked him what words of advice he would have for someone just starting out with and he said, "Tell them to be patient and really take the time to work through the training. It does start to make sense... even if you've never heard of this stuff before.".

Why am I telling you this?

I would hate to see you walk away before the journey has been completed. We've all heard the stories of the gold miners that worked for years on a particular mine. After digging and digging and getting nowhere, they gave up.

Years later, someone comes along and finds gold just three feet further down.

Or the story of the man who sold his farm to search for diamonds. He sold everything. He took his family away from the farm they had known for years and they went in search of diamonds. Years later, he hadn't found any diamonds. His family was scattered all over the country, and he was broke.

Meanwhile, back at the farm (the one he had sold)... the new owner was out back in the river when he noticed a sparkly rock. He thought it was pretty so he took it to the cabin and gave it to his wife. She loved the way it sparkled and reflected the sun throughout the cabin.

When a visitor from town came by, he noticed the rock and asked about it.

"There's a bunch of 'em in the river out back" the farmer said.

The visitor recognized it as one of the largest diamonds he had ever seen.

The point is... we often tend to walk away from our goals and dreams just before realizing them. How many times have we all pushed ourselves to take just one more step... make one more push... only to find that our goal was just a little bit further.

The point of this rather lengthy email is to say that we want you to stick with it. For less than 60 cents a day, you can be learning and automating your online marketing. Where will you be a year from now if you continue to learn and apply the techniques and tools?

Where will you be a year from now if you quit?

If you'd like to stick with it, just reply to this message to let us know. We're ready to help you in any way we can. Thousands of others are seeing it work. You can, too.

Yours in success,

Brian Rooney LLC

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