About Small Business Information: How to Write the Perfect Elevator Pitch

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From Alyssa Gregory, your Guide to Small Business Information
An elevator pitch can be a powerful tool, whether you're gearing up for a networking event, trying to get financial support, or just need some clarity about your business goals. This issue includes links to elevator pitch resources that will help you perfect your pitch in minutes. Enjoy!

7 Steps for Writing a Powerful Elevator Pitch
An elevator pitch can be one of the simplest yet most powerful tools for a small business owner. Here is a step-by-step process for creating an effective and powerful elevator pitch. Read more

9 Essential Tips for Writing an Effective Elevator Pitch
Once you have created your elevator pitch, you can use it over and over again in many different settings. Here are nine tips for making your elevator pitch a valuable tool in your marketing toolbox. Read more

5 New Twists to an Elevator Pitch
The elevator pitch is a means of convincing investors, networks and prospects of your business potential in 60 seconds or less. Although a long time standard in the investment community, the elevator pitch is being re-invented. Read more

10 Business Networking Tips
Your ability to network well is one of the factors that may not only differentiate your business but also ensure its survival. It is easier than ever to network, especially if you keep the following best practices in mind. Read more


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Alyssa Gregory
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