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How to Make Money on the Internet | 3arn.Net

Keeping Up With Studies And Blogging

Posted: 02 Nov 2010 10:10 AM PDT

It’s been a while since I last posted. Well, life has been pretty busy with me for the last few months. I’ve been preparing for my cambridge examinations and the SAT Reasoning Test; studies aren’t easy in the last year of school. Plus, there are some project you just can’t overlook. ;)

I’ve been replying to mails as soon as I get time, I’m sorry if I can’t get back to all of them. I have also composed a few articles for beginners who want to make money on the internet, since my previous articles are quite out-dated by now.

I’ll be publishing the articles very soon and I’ll also be completing the series on making money online in pakistan. I know it’s been a while and I didn’t do the follow-ups to it, but you can expect to get some more specific information on how to make money if you’re a Pakistani. :D

The most important news (and probably the reason behind this post) is: I’ve been interview by Smash Magazine. Smash Magazine is a youth magazine in Pakistan and they have interviewed me for being among the Youngest Pakistani Bloggers. It’s a 2-page interview under the title: Youngest Pakistani Blogger. If you’re a Pakistani, get a hold on the magazine; you’ll get to know me better and gain few tips from me. :D

As soon as I get time, I will post up scanned pages from the magazine for those of you who just want to check it out. Till then, bless me with your comments.

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